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Deepak Penesetti MD

Deepak Penesetti MD, aka Dr. Deep, is a board-certified psychiatrist specialized in Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatry who is on a mission to help the people who don’t make it to his office. 


He's a Partner at Culture House, consulting for the film/tv/entertainment industry and is the Creator-Host of the iHeartMedia Original podcast, I See Me __.


He is a Chair for Health Equity at the American Psychiatric Association and is on the Board of Directors for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI NYC) in New York City.


He was the recipient of the 2016 APA SAMHSA, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Award where he now heads the Fellowship Selection Committee. He was appointed to the American Psychiatric Association's Council for Communication and most recently to the Scientific Program Committee.


He completed his residency and fellowship training at the Mount Sinai Triple Board Program in New York City in Pediatrics, Adult & Child Psychiatry. As a Pediatrics Resident he cared for the full spectrum of 100's children in Harlem over a 5 year time period, while training to become a mental health specialist. He completed his undergraduate studies Magna Cum Laude as 1 of 3 students selected for the BA/MD program at New York University. He was chosen to be a National Institute of Health (NIH) Pre-doctoral Research Fellow at New York University’s Child Study Center and his work has been published in leading scientific journals including JAMA, Cerebral Cortex, and the American Association of Medical Colleges.

A Statement from Dr. Deepak

I was 7 years old when I overheard a story about someone I'm very close to "falling" out of a building and miraculously surviving. It prompted a lot of questions for me -- "Why did they fall?" "Will I fall?" 


I do what I do to know that I'm meant to be here.


Like many families, my family and I have fought and continue to fight through tough times. Growing up we didn't talk about our problems with any of the great people around us, let alone a professional.  Again, I ask myself "why?"


I want to help those who don't make it to my office.


As a Psychiatrist, I have the privilege of helping people with things they have often never shared with anyone else. I’ve learned that the parts of our story we leave out, are the ones filled with the most insights. I imagine what would it be like if we had a giant therapist office with glass walls? Where the stories buried within each of us had the opportunity to be deposited and then withdrawn securely -- like a community "TruthBank" that I and my colleagues oversee.


Maybe we could find something therapeutic in each other...

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